Congratulations Mr. Reymond!
Turning Point celebrates Mr. Richard Reymond on his completion of the Culinary Arts - Cook Level 2 program at the National Institute for Professional Advancement (NIPA).

New Year, New Workouts!
Turning Point clients kick off the year with new exercise equipment.
Celebrating Mr. Richard Reymond
Turning Point celebrates Mr. Richard Reymond on his successful culinary showcase with the National Institute for Professional Advancement (NIPA).

Back to School Sober
For sober students, peer pressure and the temptation to use again can hang over the new school year like a weight. However, with a some effort you can have a school year filled with academic achievements, a great social life, and no relapse!

Surveying St. Maarten on Addiction and Substance Use
Turning Point & AUC to survey St. Maarten on addiction and substance use on July 8th & 9th. Come out.
Share your truth. Be a part of the solution!
Public Announcement: Turning Point Staffing Update
Turning Point staff has changed over the years. Here’s a quick list of individuals who are no longer affiliated with Turning Point and any of our programs and who have moved on to new careers.

School Tour 2023
Last month, Turning Point Foundation in collaboration with the office of the Public Prosecutor, participated in a tour of six St. Maarten’s secondary schools, bringing awareness to the important issues of substance use, weapons, sexual crimes, bullying, and fighting.

Wood-working: Birdhouse Project
The new Turning Point residents in the Wood-Working class showcase their birdhouse project!

Turning Point Interim Director, Dr. Tasheena Thomas-Maccow Becomes Permanent Director
Dr. Tasheena Thomas-Maccow named permanent Director of the Turning Point Foundation

Take a Look, It’s in a Book!
Philipsburg Jubilee Library donates a wealth of books to Turning Point Library and Book Club!

Thank you to our Donors!
Turning Point Foundation receives a very generous gift and installation of a new basketball post, backboard, & rim!

Life After Rehab
Turning Point clients share their experiences reentering the workforce! Read the full story today.

Public Announcement: Turning Point is Closed to the Public
Turning Point is Closed through January 2022 due to surge in COVID-19 cases.

As we work together, we ask that like CIBC FirstCaribbean, you will choose to support Turning Point as we support your loved ones in their fight against addition and substance abuse.

Wood-working: Newest Completed Projects
Here’s a little update on the Wood-Working Sessions taking place at the Turning Point Foundation.