Turning Point Celebrates New Interim Director, Dr. Tasheena Thomas!
“I would very much like to offer those living in addiction and with Alcohol Related Disease (ARD), a way out and into restoration. Bringing awareness, education, care, and support to the most vulnerable in our community as they transition into their new life and crushing the stigma associated with drug addiction and ARD in our community.
Accomplishing this work is critical and a priority for me going forward in hopes that we can all see a Sint Maarten/Saint Martin where everyone can live a drug-free lifestyle!”
- Dr. Tasheena Thomas, RN, BSc, M.A., PhD.
Initially as Dr. Tasheena Thomas, RN, BSc, M.A., PhD. was coming onboard at Turning Point she faced the uncertainty of not knowing the response she would receive from patients. She had the critical task of gaining the trust of the residents and fostering a professional relationship with them that would benefit their road to recovery.
Dr. Thomas states that “Rehabilitation is not just healing from the physical use of a substance but the psychological, mental, and emotional after-effects that have to also be addressed and combatted. Persons involved in heavy drug use experience or express multiple complex behaviors towards anyone or thing trying to take them out of their comfort zone.”
Beyond that, Dr. Thomas. knew that the clients would now have to work with a female therapist after building trust and a long term relationship with the outgoing therapist who was male.
After being with the organization for some time, Dr. Thomas knew she wanted to do even more to help the clients and the community. She shared that one of the hardest realities the organization faces is not being able to help some of the individuals who show up at our doors. The volunteer program no longer realizes the undergirding of government at this moment. “It is my hope that this year we get back those funds so that we can continue to meet the needs of our community on an even greater scale” says Dr. Thomas.
Upon taking up the post of Interim Director of Turning Point, Dr. Thomas knew that the responsibility of ensuring the stability and longevity of the institution would fall upon her. However, the leadership at Turning Point is confident in her appointment. “Already a member of the Turning Point Team, Dr. Thomas has shown her dedication and passion for rehabilitation and healing for the victims of substance abuse. Dr. Thomas’s vision for the future of Turning Point, and her willingness to take on the fight against drug addiction and abuse makes her the perfect person to usher in a new era at the Turning Point Foundation” said Lloyd J. Richardson, M.D., Founding Member and Board President of the Turning Point Foundation.
Dr. Thomas hopes to realize her duty of ensuring Turning Point’s stability and longevity by maintaining:
· Financial and social stability
· Good governance
· Executing good business practices
· Ensuring the institution provides results and achieves its goals
· Providing training for staff
· Implementation of existing, revised and new operating procedures for both the staff and patients
· Installation of the necessary resources needed to ensure smooth operations and daily executions
When asked about her hopes for Sint Maarten/Saint Martin as it pertains to drug use and addiction, Dr. Thomas said “I would very much like to offer those living in addiction and with Alcohol Related Disease (ARD), a way out and into restoration. Bringing awareness, education, care, and support to the most vulnerable in our community as they transition into their new life and crushing the stigma associated with drug addiction and ARD in our community. Accomplishing this work is critical and a priority for me going forward in hopes that we can all see a Sint Maarten/Saint Martin where everyone can live a drug-free lifestyle!”
Read more about Dr. Tasheena Thomas, RN, BSc, M.A., PhD. here.