A Little Q&A 2021’s 1st Graduate
Coffee Table made by Turning Point’s first graduate of 2021! Made with reclaimed wood in the Wood-Working Workshop.
What would you tell someone about residential rehabilitation?
If your life has taken you down a road that you don’t want to be on and you want to choose another path but you don’t know how to get there… “Then take a chance. Try it out.”
What do you hope for the future?
I hope to become a business man. I came in with skills that I want to turn into a successful business.
What would you say about the program at Turning Point?
Turning Point will help you gain a better picture of what your life could be.
What things have you learned while in Turning Point?
· Respect for Everyone
· How to better get along with people
· How to respect myself and set my own standards for how others should treat me
· Discipline
These are things that can help anyone in dealing with people, whether children, friends, on your job.
What would you say are the most challenging aspects of the program?
The rules!
The schedule.
Not having control of my own schedule was really difficult at first.
What would you say someone new to the program?
The beginning will be rough but if you can accept the rules, you will make it and be proud of what you accomplished. If I can do it, you can do it too.
What was your favorite workshop?
I liked making things in the Wood-Working Workshop. I recently made a coffee table and I really like how it turned out. I also liked the Lifestyle Workshop where I learned about taking care of myself, how to eat healthy, exercising, how to interact with people and help people know how best to interact with me.
What was your favorite sport?
Definitely basketball.
How did the spiritual aspect of the program impact you?
I grew up in a two-parent home and we went to church regularly. So it brought me back to some of the basics that I learned growing up.
If you could share one thing (about Turning Point) with the world, what would it be?
If you’ve lost hope, Turning Point is a good place to come to find it again.
For information on how you can support the Wood-working Workshop, please contact our Program Manager, Oliver Wilson at owilson.tpf@gmail.com or (721) 527-6492.